10 September 2013

Being A Batangueños

Batangueño is Palaumis...(always smiling). We as Batangueño have a very nice culture... we are always smiling no matter what or how heavy our problem is. Maybe that's why even we are in the different part of the world, we can easily mingle to other people. Some say that we as  Batangueño are very "malambing" or very sweet specially the guys. We called the Batangeña as "Maganda" or beautiful and Batangueño as "Pogi" or handsome.

We usually making jokes for everything but deep inside us we are all serious when we talk about life. If we have problem we just don't bother even a little because we know that God gave this problem for us to become stronger and we can pass it because as we said in Batangas, " Wag mong problemahin ang mga problema, hayaan mong ang problema ang mamroblema sa iyo". In English translation, "Don't be bother if you have problem but rather let this problem be bother itself, not you." In short, "never let the problem ruin your life and your faith"  Sorry for my translation but more or less, I hope you get already my point because Batangeños are "madasalin" or prayerful person and we are deeply believed in God so we know that problem will come and problem will go with the help and guidance of our Lord.

There are so many Batangueños all over the world who are now very successful in their life just because most of the Batangueños are very creative and full of patience. We know how to handle even the most difficult kind of work that's why many foreign nationals are saluting us in terms of work specially the Batangueño seamen and even in the land base work. Of course with due respect to all the Filipino all over the world.... we are all high quality worker compare to other foreign worker all over the world. The sad thing is even we are giving high quality man power, they pay us a very low salary compare to other country. This is the real truth and very sad reality in this field of  life. We are underestimated by other foreign country when it comes to salary.

Here in Israel, we are pay good in terms of salary because the government here is equally treated all the people here even the foreign workers. What the minimum salary the people here get is also the same if you are a foreign worker here. We also have here health insurance provided by the employer. I think this is the best thing that a foreign worker can get while we are working in the other country. Sometimes we can even earn more than the ordinary citizen here. Not so bad compare to other Filipino working in other country.