Showing posts with label nurse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nurse. Show all posts

08 September 2013

Batangeño In Israel As Caregiver

Israel is a very beautiful place to visit. This very small place in the Middle East is full of life and bountiful blessings. As they called this place "Land of Milk and Honey". As a Batangueño that got the chance to came here in the Holy land to work, I can say that I am a very lucky one because I can visit all the historical places that written in the Holy Bible for free... well not really for free but with the small amount of money.

As a caregiver working here in Israel, I already experience war here. The Lebanon-Israel war in 2006 and the "Amud Anan" or in English translation is "Operation Pillar of Defense" against the terror of Hamas on 2012. Rocket are falling everywhere, windows are shaking  and vibrating, and almost every few minutes you can hear the loud sounds of the emergency sirens. But thanks God because we are still safe. Now Israel have invented the great defense for their people.... the "Iron Dome".

Israel Iron Dome

Life of a Filipino caregiver here is not as easy as you are thinking, specially to those who are living in with their employer. In my experience with my first employer, they used to buy for me rice that full of insects and with the bad smell.So then, I used to buy my own food which they supposed to provide for me as a caregiver of their parent. After seven month of mental suffering and hunger I leaved them.

But we know that we Filipino people are very happy people. When we see camera, we are always smiling after we get out from the work... 'cause we have one day holiday in a week that in Hebrew term "Khofes". So when you see in our Facebook profile or some post in the FB that we are smiling and look like we don't have any problem in our work, this is just because we don't want our love one to get worried about us. We are more thinking about them than they are thinking about us. We just want them to see that we are still okey and still can manage and survive wherever part of the world we are.